Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year 2011 from JNV Bhiwani
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Art Innovations
These we are experimenting with different techniques of Digital Art and new things are coming! Innovations are always inviting, a man learns by making constant efforts.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Greetings from Kazakhstan
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Glogs are fun
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Presentation over! Thanks ePals
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Environment Project with Thailand School
Telling about -A Day in Life
English Festival in Korea

Thanks EunaSHI!

Monday, November 15, 2010
Project with school from Spain

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Global Education Conference 2010
All the best,
Children Day celebrated on 14th November
Today Children Day was celebrated in our School. Many cultural programmes were held on this occasion. All teachers paid homage to our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru whose birthday is celebrated as Children Day in India. We were reminded of the efforts of our beloved 'Chacha' Nehru who brought about a great change in lives of children.We have special attachment to him as all JNVs are named after his name "Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas". His grandson Mr. Rajeev Gandhi opened these Schools for rural and underprivileged children. We have to fulfil dreams cherished by our beloved Chacha Nehru by striving hard to achieve excellence in all spheres.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Green School Project with School from Thailand
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Dussehra celebrations
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Gandhi Jayanti celebrated
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Thanks eLanguages' Team for good news
Earlier in September the panel voted on the entries in the “Paint Our World” competition on the eLanguages website.
I am delighted to say that Lalit from JNV Bhiwani was selected as one of the 12 winners. Congratulations! Would you be able to let Lalit know the good news? For reference, the winning entries are listed on the project page on eLanguages. Here is the link:
All winners receive an iPod as a prize as well as a calendar containing all the winning entries from the competition. Thanks for all your students’ contributions to the competition.
Best wishes,
Chris Swift
Schools Linking Officer (eLanguages)"
Thanks British Council for inspiring students of JNV Bhiwani thus. Lalit is so excited to be one of the 12 winners. He is thanking you all for giving recognition to his humble Art work. All students are extremely delighted to get this happy news. We feel motivated to contribute more to Projects.
We got message of Chris Swift (Officer BC U.K.) informing us about our Project "Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi" being featured on Home Page of It sounds great as one of our Project "Be Creative" has already been featured. This is a real honour for the hard work and dedication of my students. No words can ever express our gratitude towards constant motivation of British Council. We really appreciate the good will of British Council. We are expecting help from Indian teachers as India is the host of games. M.A.A.P.S. & Bal Bharati Public School Delhi have already contributed. We express our gratitude towards them. Anita Mishra from Delhi Govt. School helped us a lot in the starting. French teacher Regine gave the suggestion to start this Project and her students made such lovely posters for India. Mm. Charlotte from Denmark ever helps us a lot. We are collaborating with her School in different Projects. Thanks to all who are ever with us.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Partnership with Srilankan School

We are collaborating with Methodist Central College, Batticaloa Srilanka. Mm. Rathivathana Murugathas sent us a drama script and photos of her students working for CCO Projects. We exchanged informations and materials about recycling. Srilankan students counted the trees of their campus and named them. We are also doing the same this month. We hope it will be a successful partnership.
Letters from our Danish friends
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Rivers Project with Thailand School
Hindi Pakhwada commenced
Friday, September 10, 2010
Travel Guide Project
Do's & Don'ts Project with Korean School

Thanks for allowing us to work with your school. :-)
I'll also upload powerpoint slides that my students worked on to introduce themselves to new friends. Hope your kids will like them !
Best regards,
Jayoung Lee"
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Gift on Teachers' Day!
I got an email from our most esteemed Joint Director Sir Mr. T.C.S. Naidu:
"I appreciate your concern and enthusiasm for learning English and as well as helping children. Please give the detail in nut shell and things to be done from my side, so that the action may be taken."
TCS Naidu
I needed Sir's help for encouraging new JNVs to join CCO. Sir assured to help me when I was attending a workshop in Delhi. And true to his words he came forward to offer help. When I joined Samiti Sir was the first officer to address us in Induction Course. I was motivated by his speech. After 9 years I got the chance to meet him again. It was a pleasant surprise to meet him again. He is so gentle and kind and never shows his superiority ever. Humility is the virtue of great persons. I am quite hopeful that with his blessings we can do great things and inspire others to join us. Globalisation of Education will be our cherished goal. Really sometimes a few words of praise can work wonder. Thanks Sir for your such nice gift, it means a lot for us.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Raksha Bandhan celebrated
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Quiz on Computers
Friday, August 20, 2010
Communal Harmony Day 20th August 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Our "Say Hi to ePals video" gets featured!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Independence Day celebrated
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Our Project being featured on eLanguages!
Chris Swift
School Linking Officer, British Council UK"
At first it was unbelievable that our Project "Be Creative" could be featured but soon the day came when it was featured on the Home Page of eLanguages. We could hardly believe. We felt so grateful to British Council U.K. for ever being benevolent to us. First we were chosen as an Ambassador School then shortly afterwards our Project was featured on Home Page! All the participant Schools are elated to see their works being highlighted. Special thanks to dear Chris Swift for rearranging the uploaded works on the Project Page.
Workshop of Connecting Classrooms Online Community
JNV Bhiwani was invited to attend a two days' workshop in Delhi related with Connecting Classrooms Online Community. Our School has been chosen as an Ambassador School. Eminent Schools from all over India were called to attend the workshop. Our Joint Commissioner Mr. Naidu and Assistant Commissioner Mr. O.P. Sagar came there as a pleasant surprise and praised our efforts for bringing International dimension in Education and curriculum. They assured us to help forward CCO to other JNVs. British Council India's officers did a lot to make the workshop a success. We got the chance to know other Schools and meet wonderful people like Sandhya Kakkar, Naina Lakhanpal, Rashmi Vij, A.K. Sharma,Ritu Beri,Yogesh Singla and several others.Thanks to Rittika Parruck, Anju Mehta, Rizley from Srilanka and Purti Kohli to give us this opportunity to come closer to other B.C.S.A s. We hope to come up to the expectations of British Council CCO. In a short period we attained so much recognition and praise for our humble efforts. We feel lucky to be a part of CCO Community.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Welcome friends from Bulgaria
When British Council brought a Great change in our Lives!
Now students have become confident enough and take part in all activities with enthusiasm. They know someone living far away cares for them.
We are thankful to the wonderful Team of British Council to bring about this change in our hitherto uneventful life. Chris Swift of British Council ever helped us and encouraged us to join International Projects. He was the first Officer who introduced us to this new world of fantasies and friendship. All students are ever eager to know his comments and feedback.Even some pupils call him "Christ" in human form.
Rosa Ryou of British Council Edinburg introduced us to Connecting Classrooms Online Projects. Her Project "From my window" had been quite favourite with the students. She ever gave her suggestions. Though these people are living far away from us still we feel they are close to us. They are instrumental in bringing great changes in lives of many across the globe. They are dedicated to their noble goal of bringing people together. They have risen above their formal duties and have become true messengers of goodwill, affection and Peace. Their inspiring words are our strength that made us join above 100 Projects. Our School has been chosen as an Ambassador School of CCO of British Council in India and the whole credit goes to the dedicated Team of British Council.British Council India's Ms. Rittika Parruck, Ms. Purti Kohli and Ms. Anju Mehta ever keep in touch and guide us. We are working in 116 Projects till date and found it quite exciting experience.
JNV Bhiwani
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dos & Don'ts Project-Connecting Classrooms Online
While discussing the many of the Dos & Don'ts of our society the students were reminded of a poem by Robin Klein "Amanda" where a girl named Amanda is costantly nagged and has a lot of "Don'ts" in her life!
"Don't bite your nails Amanda!
Don't hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight,
Did you finish your homework, Amanda?
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?
I thought I told you to clean your shoes,
Don't eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I'm speaking to you.
Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!
You're always so moody, Amanda!
Anyone would think that I nagged at you,
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
New comers introduced!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thanks for such wonderful messages!
Dear Namita,
I just discovered the glogster introduction you made on the introducing ourselves project. It is great. What a good idea. I will try and work with my pupils on this project next term. We are about to break up for our Summer holiday now and will not be back at school until September.Very best wishes.
Judy Skelton.
Firstly, thank you for all your work on the World Cup project. It has been great to see the page grow with such fantastic contributions. I hope all your students have enjoyed the experience and have learned from it as well. How about we do it all over again ... in about 4 years time?In the mean time, my school has 7 new classes of Year 7 students (aged 11-12) starting in September and we would like to find a partner class in a different country for each of these classes. Would you like to be involved? We could use an elanguages page to share materials. Thank you for this.See you in 2014 in Brazil for the next World Cup project!
Best wishes
Jonathan Peace
Dear Namita
I really appreciate for putting in data on my online project. Thanks a lot to you and your students who are taking interest in building up our partnership.
Thanks friends for all your admiration and wonderful cooperation. These messages are inspirations for us.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Our World Cup Videos being Featured on the Homepage of ePals!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Peace Art Project
At last the wait is over now and the awaited Gobal Conference will begin tomorrow. It will be a busy week indeed. Thanks to Mr. Steve Hargad...
We exchanged informations about our School's routine, culture,extra-curricular activities with St. Catharine Primary School U.K.The teac...
Thanks to Ms Regine Cauboue and her wonderful class for their constant cooperation with us. We are collaborating together in two Projects on...